I had the opportunity to create two works which were projected on a massive scale for No More No Place at Monument Circle, Downtown, Indianapolis. These videos were screened weekly October - November, 2022.

A short snippet of my video, Morning Focus, projected onto the AES Indiana building during a No More No Place video screening. You can watch the full video below.

Audiovisual Experiences

No More No Place

“Inspired by the acclaimed 60×60 series and curated by Indianapolis multimedia artist Jordan Munson, No More No Place combines 2-minute recorded audio works with eclectic video art - made by a diverse group of over 40 artists. In the span of 60 minutes, see/hear the pairings in the immersive environment of Monument Circle, using the Circle's state-of-the-art sound system and 10-story video projection.” - No More No Place

Eeeka - Morning Focus

For this piece, I created both the audio and animation. Inspired by my morning jogs/hikes, I created an animated music video for my electronic music project, Eeeka.

KO - Sour Taste

I was honored to create a video for KO’s song, Sour Taste. For this video, I utilized video synthesis and datamoshing as techniques which you can see more of at my channel, Pink Noise TV.


Pink Vibrations


Pink Noise TV